Advertising – Absolut World
Set of posters made as an advertising campaign for Absolut Vodka

Advertising - Absolut World
Set of posters made as an advertising campaign for Absolut Vodka
Project name
Absolut World
Type of work
School Project / Advertising
14.11.2021 – 18.11.2021
Sole Designer
Absolut vodka has a long history of running a sucsessfull ad campaigns by linking iconic places to the iconic shape of the Absolut bottle. The shape of the bottle may sometimes be ‘stretched’ or tilted for perspectiv, but always maintaines a clear and recognizable shape. Try to use scale to your advantage when designing the posters.
How can I make absolut posters that represent Spain, Brazil, Australia, Ealing and London?
To make a set of posters for an Absolut Vodka advertising campaign, with the goal of offering the onlookers a sense of satisfaction when they recognize the absolut bottles shape that was ‘hidden’ in a photo of an iconic location, place or city.
My Role
I was the sole designer of the project, therfore I was responsible for all aspects of the ideation and creation of the posters. However I was greatly inspierd by previous advertising poster done by Absolut Vodka as part of their international champaign.

Let's connect
I hope you like what you see so far! Do you have any questions for me or looking into hiring a designer for your project? In any case feel free to contact me, and we’ll see if we’re a match.
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